The UFO phenomenon has become a captivating topic for the public as the mere thought of whether extraterrestrial life exists teeters on the fine line of reality. 

Now, as the discussion shines on the grand political stage, a Harvard physicist is urging the government to be more transparent about the matter as the information could propel U.S. technological advancements in artificial intelligence.

RELATED: Tim Burchett: Americans should know what the government knows about UFOs

“Our A.I. systems can learn from extraterrestrial A.I. systems,” Harvard physicist Avi Loeb told FOX Business as he discussed what’s at stake for the country’s tech revolution on “Cavuto: Coast to Coast.”

“Imagine gadgets that use artificial intelligence far more advanced than we have,” Loeb said while touting the opportunity as a “quantum leap” in our “technological advance.” 

He continued, comparing the potential learning experience from extraterrestrial lifeforms, to what someone could learn from their next-door neighbor. 

“If the neighbors happen to be much more advanced than you are, you can learn from them,” he explained, adding that the reward in this case could outweigh the “risks.”

RELATED: Officials and lawmakers push for more government transparency on UFOs

Though the idea of such a collaboration seems out of reach, the technology’s capabilities seem to be endless as its rapid breakthrough in the industry has drawn concerns from experts and government officials.

Recently, the nation’s top seven A.I. developers agreed to guidelines given by the White House to ensure the “safe” development of the technology.

To “make the most of AI’s potential,” the Biden-Harris Administration released a statement Friday, in which they encouraged the industry “to uphold the highest standards to ensure that innovation doesn’t come at the expense of Americans’ rights and safety.”

We just had science and technology for one century, which is one part in a hundred million of the age of the universe.” – Harvard physicist Avi Loeb

Despite the A.I. breakthrough in tech space, the Harvard physicist argued that we are not as advanced as we’d like to think as our technology is still young. 

We just had science and technology for one century, which is one part in a hundred million of the age of the universe. You know, it’s a tiny bit of history, cosmic history that we developed our technologies over,” Loeb said.

RELATED: Military whistleblower goes public with claims U.S. has secret UFO retrieval program: ‘Terrestrial arms race’

During a House Oversight Committee hearing Wednesday, UFO whistleblower David Grusch, former Navy pilot Ryan Graves and ex-Navy Commander David Fravor answered lawmakers’ questions on the matter, highlighting decades of alleged government secrecy around UFOs, now referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

Grusch said the government “absolutely” has UFO tech and “biologics” of “non-human origins” since the 1930s and knows the exact locations where they’re being held. 

Loeb expressed that it may be time for us to “get answers to the question of whether there are any objects that are of technological origin near Earth.”

“If the government has access to materials from such objects, they should release the data because it’s a matter of science,” Loeb told host Neil Cavuto, arguing that we have “better evidence” coupled with the “real data” the government may have.

When referring to the hypothetical collaboration with the unknown, Loeb said he didn’t “see any danger.”

“In fact, I see it more as an opportunity for us,” he said.

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